Thursday, May 1, 2014

MOCO Map of the Week--Percent Hispanic or Latino by Census Tract 2010

This week's map shows the distribution of Hispanics in Montgomery County.  

The Hispanic share of the population in Montgomery County (17%) is slightly larger than it is for the US as a whole (16%).  By contrast it is double the share for Maryland as a whole (8%).       

In terms of the distribution of the Hispanic population, two patterns stand out on the map below.  First, Hispanics are clustered in a fairly narrow band running along a northwest-southeast axis.  The band doesn't follow one particular road, but it does run through three places in the county known for having large Hispanic populations--Gaithersburg, Wheaton, and north Takoma Park.  Second, most of the county's Hispanic population lives outside the Beltway (the black line at the bottom of the county).

MOCO Musings' next map will explore the degree of clustering for Hispanics.  Be on the lookout for a standard deviation map! (For map lovers a 'be still my beating heart' moment!)   


1 comment:

  1. What's with the outliers? And why are there tracks where there are NO hispanic populations?

