Tuesday, May 20, 2014

MOCO Map of the Week--Percent Black/African American by Census Tract, 2010

Today's map looks at the distribution of Montgomery County's Black/African American population by census tract.

People who identify as Black or African American comprise 16.62% of MOCO's population.  Their share in MOCO is lower than it is for the state (29.4%), but higher than it is in the country as a whole (12.6%).

A few spatial patterns stand out on today's map.  First, the Black/African American population is spatially clustered in two places in the county--Gaithersburg/Montgomery Village and along the border with Prince George's County.  Second, the top 5 census tracts with the highest percentages of Black/African American residents are all located on the eastern edge of the county (either bordering the county, or bordering a census tract that does). Finally, the county's Black/African American population is largely concentrated outside the beltway, despite a significant cluster along the northeastern border of DC.

Next map will look at statistically significant clusters of the Black/African American population.  Stay tuned! 

Map notes:  The data for this map is from the 2010 census.  The census does not disaggregate between people who identify as African American and those who identify as Black (usually, though not always people from other countries with African heritage).  


  1. I was waiting for this map since you started doing them :)

    But it is no surprise we find the largest concentration along the PG County border (which, by the way, it would be neat if you did this type of maps for PG, my county).

    However, it surprises me how everybody lives outside the beltway.

    Thanks for the maps!

  2. At your request...I'll do a PG county map (although it may take me some time to find the boundary file, your wish is my command :-)
