Monday, March 3, 2014

Snow Day well played MOCO

My husband had jury duty today at Montgomery County Circuit Court.  Because of the snow and ice, the court was closed.

My husband thought he'd have to show up tomorrow or in a couple of weeks for a makeup day.  Imagine the surprise when he found a notice on the website telling today's scheduled jury pool that they would be summoned again in 2 years

That is some snow day/reprieve/extended absence/sabbatical/public service vacay MOCO!   

Of course, this probably means I'll get called to serve on a grand jury, or selected for a high profile case that requires jury sequestration.  Until jury karma comes knocking, though, let me say 'well played MOCO! Circuit Court!'  You must not have the difficulty DC does in getting potential jurors to show up for court. 

1 comment:

  1. That is interesting. Something similar happened to me. The explanation I got was that they plan jury pools so far into the future that sliding things by one day is just not worth it.

    Also, they do have a lot of people to choose from, as opposed to DC, where most people do not even bother to change their driver's license to a DC one because their stay there is transitory.

    Cool blog, lady.
