Thursday, November 20, 2014

Olympian Delusions--DC Style

My new favorite phrase is 'you can't make this sh*t up.'

Why?  Because it always seems to be true. You'd think I wouldn't be surprised by now.  But I am, over and over again.  Some part of me clearly wants to believe people are rational.  But, in reality, few of us are.  Especially the rich.  They aren't just irrational, they are exuberantly irrational.    

Case in point, the local millionaires trying to bring the 2024 summer olympics to DC. 

The Washington Post just uploaded a glowing profile of the movers and shakers behind this deal. See my earlier blog post about them here. 

I won't bore you with fawning portraits painted of the individuals behind the group.  Suffice it to say here that two things caught my eye, and both of them demonstrate the folly of the rich.

1.  The Washington 2024 crowd wants Olympic facilities to be built on city land!  That's right, let's use city land to build stuff for other people, because clearly DC doesn't have any pressing things to spend money on.  I mean, yes, there is that old hospital housing hundreds of homeless families, but move along now, nothing to see here.  Yes, it is true, we need to build some affordable housing, but isn't that what PG County is for? 

2.  The Olympics would be good for DC's reputation on the world stage.  House of Cards make us look bad, they say.  Especially to the Chinese.  And, we simply can't have that.  Whip up some distractions ya'll!   

May I suggest instead that there's an easier way to fix this.  Pull out your capes delusional Olympians, get your wigs brushed out, call in your back up singers, and put Gloria Gaynor's 'I'm coming out' on the sound system.  Then have yourselves a big ole drag party.  You'd do all of us less harm that way.  

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